In a brand new podcast series, the Centre Multisports André-Chagnon invites you to discover that training does not stop at lifting weights, sweating or running a marathon. Under the title It’s not all about training, these interviews aim to shed interesting and professional light on an aspect closely or not very far related to training. In a first series of six meetings, Patrick Richard questions nutritionist Joanie Séguin about the importance of food.
A sensitive subject if ever there was one, weight is the subject of particular attention in the society of the 21st century where the image we project of ourselves on social networks must reflect the best of ourselves (regardless of our state). Is it a good idea to train to lose weight? When I ask the question to nutritionist Joanie Séguin, she admits that we must demystify the why behind the desire for this weight loss. We humans often eat with our emotions. As we’ve seen in our other podcasts, nutrition is more than just a matter of willpower. Our body speaks to us and sends us the signals of hunger and satiety in a clear and systematic way.
Are we able to listen to it? To understand it? To adequately meet their needs?
Talking about weight is not simply about judging the number of a scale that goes up and down according to the moods and the seasons. What does this number mean anyway? Our body can imperatively change from the number that we glimpse the head bent at the end of our feet. In the end, it’s all about balance and lifestyle. If there is one information that I take away from this meeting with Joanie Séguin, it is once again related to the pain of conscience of our food. Eat intuitively when our body sends us the signal of hunger and stop eating as soon as the body makes us feel full. All this with a healthy and balanced diet on which our self-esteem is not based. This is a good start to feeling good in our body without relying on the result of a scale that does not say much about our state of health.
Otherwise that our life is summed up in a number.
Very subjective.
Patrick Richard
BONUS: The conversation continues with Patrick and Joanie at the end of the video. Check out the bonus segment!